Special Intents
Intents which have predestined intentions
Some of the intents name are wired by convention to be invoked (if there are defined) at certain states of the conversations. For example, an intent with the name "ConversationFeedbackIntent" will be invoked during the end of a conversation to collect the feedback (additional enabling is required in the Advance Settings).
Given below are the list of such special intents.
AUTO_ESCALATION_INTENT If you want to ask some queries or do some operations before escalating a chat to the supervisors, we can attain that by creating an intent by the name 'AUTO_ESCALATION_INTENT'.
ConversationFeedbackIntent If you want to collect the valuable feedback of the user at the end of a conversation, you have to create an intent by the name 'ConversationFeedbackIntent' and enable the setting COLLECT_FEEDBACK under Advance Settings. As a last step, use the dialog action STORE_FEEDBACK to facilitate the storage of feedback.
You can find all the feedbacks under C-SAT sections of Reports.
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