
Elevate your chatbot's presence on Facebook Messenger, where millions of users are waiting to engage with you

Ready to bring your chatbot to Facebook Messenger? It's a fantastic platform with millions of potential users. Here's how to make it happen:

  1. Activate Facebook Messenger: Start by clicking the "Activate Facebook" slider. This is the first step to establishing your chatbot on Facebook Messenger.

  2. Configure Facebook Messenger: Now, let's get your chatbot ready for Facebook Messenger:

    • FB Page ID: Provide the Facebook Page ID associated with your chatbot.

    • App ID: Enter your App ID to ensure seamless integration.

    • Page Key: Safely input your Page Key for authentication.

    • Webhook Key: Add your Webhook Key for the connection.

  3. Save Configuration: Don't forget to save your Facebook Messenger configuration settings to complete the integration.

With these steps, your chatbot will be seamlessly integrated with Facebook Messenger, allowing you to engage with a vast user base and provide valuable assistance to users on this popular messaging platform.

Last updated