
Get ready to connect your chatbot to WhatsApp, and choose from various integration options

WhatsApp integration is your gateway to exciting possibilities for your chatbot. You have the flexibility to connect with Meta WhatsApp, ACL WhatsApp, Infobip WhatsApp, Pinnacle WhatsApp, or Sinch WhatsApp, each with its own set of features. Here's how you can make it happen

Meta WhatsApp Integration:

To begin, click on "Activate Meta WhatsApp" to initiate the integration.

  • Phone Number: Provide the phone number associated with your Meta WhatsApp integration.

  • Phone Number ID: Specify the unique Phone Number ID.

  • WH Verification Token: Enter the WH Verification Token.

  • Access Token: Input the required Access Token.

ACL WhatsApp Integration:

Start by clicking "Activate ACL WhatsApp" to kickstart the integration.

  • Webhook: Configure the webhook for your ACL WhatsApp integration.

  • Sender WhatsApp Number: Provide the Sender WhatsApp number.

  • Username: Enter your username.

  • Password: Securely input your password.

Infobip WhatsApp Integration:

Click on "Activate Infobip WhatsApp" to begin the integration.

  • Webhook: Configure the webhook for your Infobip WhatsApp integration.

  • Token: Specify the required Token.

  • Sender WhatsApp Number: Provide the Sender WhatsApp Number.

Pinnacle WhatsApp Integration:

Initiate the integration by clicking "Activate Pinnacle WhatsApp."

  • API Key: Enter the API Key.

  • WA Number: Provide the WhatsApp number associated with your Pinnacle integration.

Sinch WhatsApp Integration:

Start by clicking "Activate Sinch WhatsApp" to get started with the integration.

  • WA Number: Specify the WhatsApp number for your Sinch integration.

  • Username: Enter your username.

  • Password: Securely input your password.

  • Custom Webhook (if present): Add the custom webhook if required.

Choose the WhatsApp integration that aligns with your requirements and offers the features you desire. With these options, your chatbot can expand its reach and engage with users on one of the world's most popular messaging platforms.

Last updated